May 01, 2021
About gatsby-starter-hoodie gatsby-starter-hoodie is a gatsby theme created for writing tech blogs. Markdown, Code Highlighting in various programming languages, and Katex syntax are supported. Also,…
May 02, 2021
Getting started your blog with gatsby-starter-hoodie by following steps below. It's very easy 😉. 1. Create a Gatsby site Make sure you have node.js and gatsby-cli installed on your computer. 2. Start…
May 03, 2021
1. Add a post You can add posts by creating a new markdown document in the path. 1-1. Post file structure There are two ways to add a new document. The first is to create a markdown file for a singl…
May 04, 2021
How to change the favicon? The favicon is located in . If you replace that image, the favicon will change. If you want to change the name of the favicon, change the property of in . How to set OG I…